Etablering av Nordic Outdoor Group ved kjøp av Vision Flyfishing

Etablering av Nordic Outdoor Group ved kjøp av Vision Flyfishing
Etablering av Nordic Outdoor Group ved kjøp av Vision Flyfishing



Ved kjøp av Vision Flyfishing etablerer vi Nordic Outdoor Group (NOG). Foreløpig består NOG av Sølvkroken, Vision Flyfishing og Nordic Maps som egne merkevarer, samt flere sterke eksterne merkevarer som vi representerer. Se pressemelding i saken.


Vison Group and Nordic Outdoor join forces to create a leading Nordic brand house.


Vision Group shareholders Juha Koivu, Antti Guttorm and Tuomas Rytkönen have sold the majority of their shares to Camar Invest AS who is the 100% owner of Nordic Outdoor AS.


Vision Group is a Finnish company owning the fishingtackle brands Vision and Aava, and additionally represents several leading international fishing brands such as Airflo and BKK in the Nordic/European region.


Nordic Outdoor is a Norwegian company owning Norway’sleading fishing tackle brand Sølvkroken, and additionally represents several international fishing tackle and outdoor equipment brands in the Norwegian market.


The Vision Group shareholders will re-invest, together with Camar, in the new entity Nordic Outdoor Group, which will be an umbrella for further investments in the fishing tackle and outdoor equipment sector in the Nordic region. The new entity will have a turnover of ~160 MNOK / 13 MEUR.


Nordic Outdoor Group’s focus will be to create astronger foundation for strong Nordic niche brands to grow through closer commercialcooperation and scale/efficiency in back-end operations. A strong pillar in the new Group will be to maintain the identity and independence of all brands. Vision Fly Fishing, Aava and Sølvkroken brands will continue to operate as before. Vision Group will continue as a client oriented and dedicated team,focused on building success through great products, strong branding and a continued focus on building successful retail relationships.


Juha Koivu and Tore Jørgensen will continue as CEOs for Vision Group and Nordic Outdoor respectively. Current Nordic Outdoor Chairman, Leif Holst-Liæker, will take a role as an active Chairman in the Group, actively looking for further brands to complement the portfolio and build a profitable and scalable platform in the Nordic region.

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